Latin texts and commentaries
Here you will find various commentaries with notes and vocabulary for Latin texts; texts have macrons added. These editions are generally aimed at intermediate-level students, those who have finished an introductory course (perhaps even a while ago!) and need some help with unfamiliar vocabulary and grammatical structures in authentic Latin texts. Some texts also offer exercises for students to enhance reading comprehension, cultural and background understanding, and grammatical knowledge.
Freely Available Commentaries
All of the commentaries below are available in .pdf form and may be freely reproduced for personal use or use with students.
Suetonius, Life of Caesar
This student edition of Suetonius’ Divus Julius includes a text with macrons, facing notes and vocabulary, as well as exercises in reading comprehension in Latin and English, plus grammatical exercises, for most sections of the DJ. Some sections do not include all types of exercises.
This text includes most, but not all, of the DJ in Latin. Some sections which I omit reading with my own classes in Latin are instead presented with Latin text and English translation.
This text/edition is suitable for a student’s first experience with Roman prose / authentic Laitn.
Phaedrus, Selected Fables
Student edition of selected fables of Phaedrus (along with Horace’s “Town Mouse and Country Mouse”), featuring text with macrons, vocabulary and comprehension and discussion questions.
This text / edition is suitable for students who have some previous with authentic Latin literature, but who may never have read poetry before.
Catullus, carmen 63
Student edition of Catullus 63, the Attis poem. Includes text with macrons, facing notes, vocabulary, and comprehension / discussion questions. Notes elucidate matters related to gender identity in Rome and textual criticism.
This text / edition is best suited for students who have some previous experience with Latin poetry.
Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.1-145 (Arachne)
This text includes the Latin text of the contest of Arachne and Minerva from book 6 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, with macrons. It also has vocab and notes.
This text/edition is suitable for a student with some experience of Roman poetry.
Published Commentary
The following commentary is available for purchase.
Aeneas Silvius Piccolini (Pope Pius II), Life of Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc, the illiterate peasant girl who helped Charles VII to victory over the English in 1429 before being burned at the stake as a witch and heretic in 1431, remains one of the most fascinating figures in history. This book presents her life story as told by her contemporary, Pope Pius II, in an eminently readable Latin account. This student edition contains an introduction, Latin text with macrons, running vocabulary, running notes, comprehension questions, and complete glossary. It is suitable for students who have completed some Latin study but still need extensive help with grammar and vocabulary. The Latin is clear and generally in the Classical idiom, making it an excellent text for students, even those who have read little authentic Latin.